Sunday, June 21, 2009

still loving Ikhaya Likababa......

We are still continuing to volunteer at Ikhaya and loving every minute of it! Have you read the book "The Monk who Sold His Ferrari?" In it, Julian talks about finding a heart felt passion and pursuing it. I can see how following your passions brings such joy and fun to your life. He describes a passion as something we do that is not self centered, it involves investing or assisting others selflessly! Though it is not to benefit our self, we do benefit from the sense of knowing we are making a difference in this great big world of ours!

Ikhaya is always in a constant state of change and growth. In the last month, 5 French students have arrived along with Staci from Oregon. The French students are working on their English as we are working on our hopes of finding some middle ground of understanding! Staci is wonderful and has experience in proposal writing and fund raising. I have very happily handed over the task to a much more qualified person. Now, I can truly enjoy those babies every time I go, lavishing them with love, kisses and hugs!

The home itself is in constant flow. Most importantly, our children get to adopt families that are there to love, support and care for them. It is sad to see them leave and at times hard to remember that they do need a family to call their own. I had the joy of being at Ikhaya when baby Carole came to us three months ago and again the joy (ok, some tears and sadness) as she left with her new family. I can still feel my heart strings tugging as we all stood at the door waving goodbye and wishing them well! Hard not to let our selfishness step in at times!

I hope you enjoy the pictures included in this blog. It is pure joy to go and just sit with the older babes and just enjoy them....experience the world from their perspective. It at times show me how wrapped up and stressed out we can become with our lives. Oh, to really get back to being just like the little children.....

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