Wednesday, August 13, 2008

an afternoon at Porpoise Bay

Frank was off work early today so we spent the afternoon poking around Porpoise Bay Provincial Park. We took the kids out to the estuary and saw great blue herons, Canadian geese, baby crabs and the delicate balance of ocean life and grass land! Very beautiful.
I enjoy spending time as a family, walking, talking and relating! It is awesome to connect with the kids and really hear them as we walk and explore. It is a great time for Frank and I to unwind and encourage each other! I find we argue less if we are out and about!!! Anyone else relate???
I’ve come to realize that I might not be a quilter, sewer or crafter but I still express my creativity. I enjoy writing and posting pictures, expressing myself blogging. I find great enjoyment sharing our experiences as a family and my personal insights into things!
We have spent the last few days excitedly e-mailing back and forth with Tracey Hudson of the Rural Physician placement program in South Africa. We are currently looking for a placement in South Africa for about 4 months this winter. That will be a blog in itself!

1 comment:

moominmamma said...

Karen, you posted a comment on my blog this morning and I've just enjoyed reading through your blog. Thanks! Loving the photos. We've been to Porpoise Bay too and are enjoying the memories. Now I have to ask ... is there any chance Frank would be looking for a nice locum in paradise in the latter half of September / early October (somewhat flexible)? My dh is looking for someone here. I'd love it if you could E-mail me and let me know if this would be a possibility. Cheers! Miranda