Monday, August 18, 2008

Our journey to South Africa......almost there!

On the road to South Africa……Our journey to get there!
When Frank sold his medical practice back in April, one of the dreams we had was to venture to South Africa for a few months this coming winter 2008. Our hopes would be to go there on a regular basis every winter! This adventure has proven more difficult than we thought!

Before Frank and I were married, Frank worked in South Africa off and on over a period of about eight years. He loved it! It has been something he has talked about lots with us and his passion is to return again one day.
Now that the kids are older we felt it would be a good time to pursue this. We found Tracey Hudson who works for the Rural Physician’s placement program in Durban, South Africa. Here is a short description of what she does (she has been a saint!)

There is a crisis in staffing of many rural district hospitals. Despite a number of government strategies such as compulsory community service and the new rural allowances, it is still difficult to attract doctors to work in public hospitals in rural areas in South Africa. Many rural hospitals in isolated areas of the country, as well as regional referral centres, still do not have sufficient staff to keep essential services going, and the burden of HIV/AIDS adds to the stress and the difficulty in retaining professional staff.
Many hospitals have used their capital works and maintenance budgets to upgrade the hospitals and build appropriate accommodation. Many roads in the rural areas are now tarred making them more accessible than before. Dedicated Hospital managers are proud of their hospitals and strive to serve their communities’ health needs. They are desperate to attract and employ doctors and other hospital staff to achieve their goals of providing optimal health care to their communities. Many rural hospitals have repeatedly advertised posts locally with no response, so there are many posts waiting to be filled.
In response to this need, the RHI (Rural Health Initiative) and Rudasa (Rural Doctors Association), have launched a “proudly South African” recruitment service specifically to recruit health professionals for rural health services in South Africa.

It has been a challenge to find a placement hospital for Frank. Some hospitals do not have housing that would support our family of 5, some housing was not secure and on hospital grounds and other places were a bit too rural for Frank’s comfort! It would seem that we would find a great fit, great place, housing etc then something would fall apart. We had some preferences, Nkandala, Mbongolwane, and St. Apollinaris, but those also fell through!
Sadly, just in this last week the SA government has frozen all funding for the recruitment of new doctors in all hospitals! This was a huge blow to us! What that means is all hospitals are responsible to provide the funding for any new physicians coming in from monies they already have. If they don’t have the funding the Gov has clearly stated it won’t be forthcoming with any new money either. Although this freeze in funding is to end next April 2009, it doesn’t help us for this winter.

Amazingly, just this Friday, Tracey found a posting and funding in Sundumbili, KwaZulu-Natal!! Wow! They have what is called a “park trailer” available on a security guarded road close to the hospital for us to live in. It is small but we can fit! Here is a short blurb on Sundumbili…(copy and pasted directly from their info, mistakes and all)

We are located 5km from the town of Mandeni. Access to the N2 is easy with only a 10minute drive to join the national road.
What do we do ?
Sundumbili Community Health Centre is run by the Department of Health. We cater for a varied patient demographic which ranges from those working in the nearby industrial town of Isithebe to a deep rural community.
Our challenges are diverse with a large spectrum of diseases encountered which include lifestyle/chronic ailments, infectious diseases, work related illnesses and HIV/AIDS. We are predominantly an outpatient facility but we do have 27 inpatient beds and a 24 hour maternity unit. We also have a fully accredited ARV site which is supported by ARK (a UK based NGO) and are proud to have more than 2 000 patients on the roll out programme
At Sundumbili you will find a home away from. With a supportive, dedicated staff your work experience will not only be rewarding but thoroughly enjoyable. If you are the type of doctor who wishes to have a positive impact on patients lives – Sundumbili is for you. At Sundumbili, every voice is heard and if you are looking for a unique experience where your individual contributions are recognized and rewarded – Sundumbili is for you.
If you are tired of the rat race and want a change of pace – Sundumbili is for you.
Hluluwe/ Umfolozi Game reserve is only a 30 min drive from Sundumbili. Here you can see a variety of South African wildlife including the ‘Big 5’.
St. Lucia Estuary is a world heritage site where you can experience the hippos basking in the midday sun and over 400 different species of birdlife.
Drakensberg Mountain Range is only a 3 hour drive away.
Beaches, beaches, beaches!!!! In the north coast of Kwazulu Natal you will be spoilt from a choice of the most pristine and beautiful beaches. Surfing enthusiasts must try Thompson’s Bay.

So, we enter this coming week with great anticipation and excitement. There is still paperwork and details to work out but this is the closest we have come to a position! We will keep you posted!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome to our part of the globe! We gladly invite you for a chat and a cup of tea/coffee in your neighbourhood: Blessed Gérard's Hospice in Mandeni, 61 Anderson Road. See Best regards Father G T Lagleder