Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day June 2009 South Africa

Reflections on father’s day!
Well today is a great day to reflect on fathers, dads and days, as limited as they (days) may be becoming! I hope I am not alone in my pre father’s day struggles and fight with my negative thoughts. Ok, some may not admit but I will, I have a secret tally sheet hidden up there in the far depths of my brain. On this tally sheet is EVERY and I mean EVERY wrong deed that my husband has ever done (and is planning to do)! I selectively bring it out and toy with it, justify it, believe it and, and, and, and! I’m wondering, is this exceptional memory a gift or related to some hormone imbalance? Hummmm, maybe a bit of both!

Today brings to mind two wonderful stories that reflect well on marriages and our men. A couple drives up to a gas bar to fill up with gas. Out comes the man to pump the gas and to the woman’s surprise, it is an old boyfriend from her high school days. The old flame takes the keys and happily begins to pump the gas. After he washes the windows, collects the money and wishes the couple a great day. Driving away and just out of ear shot, the husband pronounces, “aren’t you so glad you married me instead”. To this, the woman replies,” if I had married him, you would be pumping the gas and he would the lawyer!”

An older couple is sitting in the living room relaxing. The wife verbally begins her daily list of things that need to be changed/fixed/ worked on etc. Over the years this list has become longer and longer. Sadly the husband hears over and over of all of his short comings, things he needs to improve on and change in his life for things to be better. One day he says to his wife, why don’t you just write me a list and it will save you telling me these things every day. The wife is more than happy to provide the husband with his “self improvement” list. Several years later the wife passes away and the husband meets a wonderful woman and they marry. His new bride uses words like “I like it when”, “you are so good at”, “thank you for” and many other positive remarks. One day while the husband is cleaning he comes across the list from his first wife. He marvels at how he has changed and is amazed at how he has overcome some many of his deficits rather suddenly! Amazing the power of positive affirmations!

Ok, here’s a thought, I know Adam was made from dust but…..from which planet did that dust come from…..Ok, just wondering because……! Seriously, there is some real truth and value to these two stories. God has made us women “help mates” for our husbands for a reason…..because they need help (but don’t remind them of that).

I have come to realize our lives are exactly what we make them to be. The more frustrated we become the less joy and happiness we experience in our lives. The more positive and encouraging we are the more fulfilling our marriages and lives become. So, my gift to Frank this year was a huge roll of duct tape…for my mouth… mnggg, gluuuuumg, hsllllspsllll, oops, I’ll just take the duct tape off to wish everyone a great Father’s day and tons of joy and peace in your families and individual lives!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

duct tape, I love it!
